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Discover Ayurveda Part 3 of 4

Are you looking to deepen your yoga practice?  Join Andrea Krejci Paradis to learn how understanding Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, will help you do just that.

Ayurveda offers practices and guidelines (both on the mat and off) to help you live a healthy and balanced life. Discover Ayurveda will show you how this ancient system is applicable to your modern lifestyle! 

You're encouraged to join us for all 4 classes in order to start to get a full picture of Ayurveda, but you are also welcome to drop in to any session.  {Classes will be recorded and emailed if you cannot physically attend a session}

Here is an overview of what you'll learn:

Discover Ayurveda Intro Workshop-> October 6th 10:30am-12pm Ayurveda is all about finding balance. In this introductory workshop, you will learn what the doshas are and why knowledge of the doshas is critical to maintain balance. You'll learn about how to discover health by following the "Ayurvedic Clock" and what Ayurveda has to say about exercise, yoga, meditation, nutrition, self-care, etc... {No physical yoga practice during this workshop} 

Kapha Balancing Yoga Practice-> October 13th, 10:30am-12pm

Pitta Balancing Yoga Practice-> October 27, 10:30am-12pm

Vata Balancing Yoga Practice-> November 3rd, 10:30am-12pm

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY but this series is also a great refresher for anyone who has started on their Ayurvedic journey.

**6 CEUs available for yoga professionals!**

$60 for entire, 4 workshop series
$55 for monthly membership holders
$20 per class for drop in

Earlier Event: October 25
Arm Balance & Inversion Workshop
Later Event: November 1
Essential Oils Yoga