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Fall Equinox Gathering

  • Downtown Yoga Fargo 216 Broadway N, Ste 204 Fargo (map)

Fall brings what feels like an end. Similar to the Full Moon, the fall equinox is a chance to recognize successes and let go of what did not serve us in the past year. The equinox is when daylight hours and nighttime hours are approximately the same length, and the sun rises exactly due East and sets exactly due West. This is why the energies of the fall equinox, or historically called Mabon, are all about balance and equality, as well as giving thanks for the abundance presented to us. Together we will celebrate the special day while we connect with each other and ourselves.

This is a women's only class designed to allow us time to honor the connections we hold that create a unique balance to each of us. We will have a guided meditation and time to reflect, so please dress comfortably and bring a notebook and something to write with.

* Included in all Memberships, Non-member cost: $15

Earlier Event: September 23
Yoga in the Park
Later Event: September 25
Yin Yoga & Discussion