Discover the benefits of incorporating a whole body approach to address fertility. We will be starting with a 30 minute restorative yoga session. Yoga is thought of for flexibility, toning or weight management, but in can also be a great way to increase circulation to reproductive organs, strengthen the endocrine system for hormone balance as well as bringing peace and clarity to a sometimes stressful conception journey.
Following the fertility yoga session, Dr. Terra will talk about the best ways your conception journey is supported by other aspects such as fertility herbal and nutrient support, a healthy fertility diet and other treatments and therapies that can be useful for hormone balancing as you make this transition.
Dr. Terra, a naturopathic doctor focusing on fertility and hormone balance for women here in the Fargo area will be discussing all of these issues as well as answering any questions you may have on the topic.
We'll be starting with a 30 minute yoga session followed by 30-40 minutes of learning, discussion, and Q&A. This is a women's only class.
*INCLUDED in all memberships, drop-in for non-package holders is $15