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Winter Solstice Gathering

  • Downtown Yoga Fargo 216 Broadway N, Ste 204 Fargo (map)

Winter can be a draining time, requiring lots of energy to keep up with our busy lives. On the winter solstice, the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky, making that day the shortest and that night the longest of the year. This solstice, traditionally called Yule, is an occasion to celebrate the cycle of life and death, and the battle between light and dark. It reminds us that even in darkness, there is hope in knowing that the sun will return. The winter solstice marks a time of inner reflection and setting intentions for the coming year.

This is a women's only class designed to allow us time to honor the connections we hold that create a unique balance to each of us. We will have a guided meditation and time to reflect, so please dress comfortably and bring a notebook and something to write with.

** This class is INCLUDED in all Downtown Yoga Memberships or $15 for a drop-in

Earlier Event: December 13
New Moon Gathering
Later Event: December 27
Full Moon Gathering