In this series, we will explore with both our bodies and our minds the teachings of Patanjali’s first two limbs of Yoga: the Yamas and Niyamas. Each week we will practice and experience a new teaching that will begin laying the foundation for living a more harmonious and intentional life. The Yamas and Niyamas are akin to a code of ethics by which we begin to take our Yoga into everyday life. Often in the west, the term yoga is associated with only the physical practice, or asana, but in fact, the majority of the tradition and teachings have more to do with how we move off of the yoga mat. We will explore both in this class series.
Over the course of 10 weeks, we will define the knowledge and embody the experience of all the Yamas and Niyamas through talk, movement, and stillness both in class and in daily life. We will establish a relationship with Yoga that encompasses more that just the physical and learn to move everyday with gratitude and grace for what is.
*These classes are included in current DTY memberships. $15 per class for non-membership holders
Class Series
10 weeks from Oct 4th-Dec 6th
Tuesdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm
Instructor: Kim
Week 1 - Ahimsa, nonviolence
Week 2- Satya, truthfulness
Week 3- Asteya, nonstealing
Week 4- Brahmacharya, moderation
Week 5- Aparigraha, non attachment
Week 6- Saucha, cleanliness
Week 7- Santosha, contentment
Week 8- Tapas, discipline
Week 9- Svadhyaya, self-study
Week 10- Ishvara Pranidhana, surrender to the divine