You've probably heard how helpful meditation can be, but it can be challenging to know where to start. Or perhaps you've already felt the benefits of meditation but are looking to dedicate yourself to a consistent home practice. Join Andrea Krejci Paradis for a 4-week How to Meditate class series. This class is for those who are beginners to yoga meditation and for those who would like to create a regular meditation practice. The class will cover:
-The definition of meditation using the Yoga Sutras
-The benefits of meditation (less stress, better sleep, more life perspective, etc)
-How to sit for meditation
-Pranayama (breath work)
-How to create a consistent home sadhana (practice)
-and more!
Sundays, January 9th -30th from 6:30-7:30pm
*Virtual or in person options available. Handouts will be provided. All sessions will be recorded and shared with all participants.
Cost: $65 for 4 week series for DTY Non-members
$40 for 4 week series for Downtown Yoga Fargo package holders(click on the "members" purchase option)